For more information email: or call (941) 391-1179
For more information email: or call (941) 391-1179
Q: What happens if I change office locations, or add a office location to my practice?
A: Any changes to your demographic information (phone, address, fax, TIN, NPI, etc.) needs to be submitted to our office as soon as possible. Please include your old information and new information, if applicable, as well as an effective date of the changes.
Q:How long will it take for me to be par with your carriers/contracts?
A:Typically our carriers can take anywhere from 5-60 days for your information to be uploaded into their system. Our carriers will however retro-act your effective date that we have provided to them.
Q: I just hired a physician assistant and/or a Nurse Practitioner can they join the CCPHO as well?
A: No, sorry we do not allow mid-level providers to participate with the CCPHO.
Q: What happens if I lose my privileges or resign from Fawcett Memorial Hospital?
A: If you leave the hospital for any reason you will automatically be terminated from all CCPHO contracts.
Q: Do you pro-rate your membership dues?
A: No, we do not pro-rate our dues. However, if you join the CCPHO after September 15th, those dues are applied to the following calendar year dues.
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